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Current projects

Projects CDER is implementing on its own and in partnership:

MEDIActive Youth: Informing the Balkans

The overall objective of this two-years project is to continue with building capacities of youth NGOs globally and with developing new high-quality open education resources (OER) in the field of media/news literacy. Particular attention is given here to the Balkans within the broader European context, and this project will enable it to join the MEDIActive youth initiative, but also to strengthen the dialogue and post-conflict reconciliation in this region.


  1. Increasing the capacity of youth NGOs/workers/activists from 6 Balkan countries in the field of news literacy, critical thinking and media activism, and fostering their active participation in society.
  2. Creating high-quality multilingual open educational resources (OER) for an innovative learning on news literacy and critical thinking.
  3. Further improving the Transnational Youth Magazine by engaging youth activists from Balkans to start write for it.

6 youth NGOs from the Balkans: CDER, Serbia (coordinator); CID, North Macedonia; HERMES, Croatia; BRAVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina; BBA, Albania; NVO PRIMA, Montenegro.

The project is implemented within the Erasmus+ Programme. It starts on 1rst March 2024 and ends on 28th February 2026.

Project grant: 160,542.00 EUR

DONOR: European Union
Innovative Techniques of Seniors Activation (ITOSA)

The project ITOSA is implemented within the Erasmus+ Programme, KA220-ADU – Cooperation partnerships in adult education.

The objectives of the project are to collect innovative methods of working with seniors, which empower seniors to introduce social change in their local communities. The project also aims at raising the competences of trainers / educators in the 6 participating countries: Poland, Bulgaria, Serbia, Italy, Cyprus and Slovenia and inspiring seniors to get involved in new initiatives and also to develop co-operation between senior organisations / communities across Europe.

Numerous activities will be implemented within the project, including 6 international workshops for seniors’ educators, international workshops for seniors, 18 piloting workshops testing the collected methods in 6 countries, 6 multiplier events, 7 transnational project team meetings, international webinars, development of an elearning course, an online toolkit and a handbook.

The planned project outcomes will be the following: an interactive e-learning course for educators/trainers working with seniors, including 12 innovative methods of involving seniors in community development, a web portal in 7 languages with a range of 60 tools, resources and good practices both for trainers/educators and for seniors.

The project lasts three years, from 1.11.2022. until 31.10.2025, with the participation of seven partners from six European countries: Poland, Bulgaria, Serbia, Italy, Cyprus and Slovenia.
The grant amount is 400,000.00 EUR.

DONOR: European Union
Tourism, Culture and Cultural Heritage for Rural Communities
Project within the ReLOaD Programme

Local Democracy for Western Balkans Regional Programme (ReLOaD) is financed by the EU and implemented by UNDP in five local self-governments in Serbia: Dimitrovgrad, Kragujevac, Kuršumlija, Paraćin and Šabac. Within the Programme a contract has been signed on September 11th between the donor and Petrus Associaton from Zabrega for Tourism, Culture and Cultural Heritage for Rural Communities local project realisation. The project goal is tourism potentials development and affirmation of creative culture and cultural heritage. As a project partner CDER will be managing the project throughout its duration of 7 months.

Expected outcomes of the project:

  • Trained representatives of formal and informal groups of citizens for tourism development and establishing a program for cultural, recreational and religious tourism.
  • Upgraded NGO volunteer management and fundraising capacities of the NGOs, youth and tourism and cultural manifestation creators
  • Arrangement of the missing infrastructure for tourism
  • Systematically organised and marketing defined existing programmes and development of new tourism offers
  • Promotion realisation and organisation of cultural tourism programmes
Donor: European Union / UNDP
Support to Developing a Reporting Model in Social Protection

Through engagement on a GIZ-supported German-Serbian cooperation project “Social Services for Vulnerable Groups”, CDER welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the development of the reporting system in social protection.

The future integrated model of reporting by local governments and social service providers will be the ownership of the Republic and Province Social Protection Institutes and CDER’s role is to support the Institutes in development of a new reporting model.

Development of sustainable community services in Western Serbia

Project is realized with support of the European Union, through “European Support to Inclusive Society“ project. Project leader is the City of Valjevo and the partners are Caritas Valjevo and Društvo za cerebralnu paralizu Valjevo, as well as the Center for Social and Economic Development, which provides supporting experts. Project duration is two years.

Overall objective: 1) Support the persons with disability to reach their full potential through social inclusion; 2) To build capacities of City of Valjevo in order to achieve pluralism of service providers.

Estimated results: 1) Home assistance service provision for 70 adult persons with disability; 2) City of Valjevo capacity building, including development of preconditions for pluralism service providers; 3) Introduction of independent monitoring and support mechanism.

The total project costs are EUR 140.084,14, out of which EUR 123.974,46 are an EU donation.

Donor:European Union



ZAMAH – Through internship to employment and integral services in the community

The focus of the project comprises an internship in a real and mutlisectoral work environment (3 associations and 3 institutions) for 6 young volunteers-practitioners during 6 months, thereby improving their employability. The volunteers-practitioners, who are unemployed young people with qualification for social care workers, will get their licence for this experience that they acquired and pass an accredited training. Through their practice in civil society organisations and institutions, the practitioners will be enabled to conduct multisectoral preventive programmes in the community. The practitioners will have mentors/supervisors to strengthen their ability to provide professional social services to youth from vulnerable groups, Furthermore, in cooperation with youth activists, they will conduct public youth actions to promote positive values in the community.

The CDER’s partners on this projects are Center for social work Jagodina, association of citizens Centralna razvojna inicijativa (Central initiative for development), Center for social work Paracin, Center for social work Svilajnac and the Red Cross Svilajnac..

Donor:Ministry of youth and sport


Development of comprehensive
Independent Living Support system in Central Serbia

European Union has supported the project of developing service for providing social care of partners from Jagodina, Cicevac and Zabari municipalities, as the part of the programme Support for de-institutionalisation and social inclusion of persons with mental disability and mental illness. The main applicant is CDER – in charge of project management and providing expert support for the development of social care services – and the partners are the City of Jagodina, Municipality of Cicevac and Municipality of Zabari, as well as social care providers of these local self-governments – Jagodina City Centre for Social Work, Red Cross Cicevac and Zabari Centre for Social Work.

Overall objective: Reintegration and institutionalisation prevention of persons with mental disability and mental health disorders in Jagodina, Zabari and Cicevac.

Specific objectives: 1) Provided support to persons with mental disability and mental health disorders by sustainably upgrading and adapting community-based social services (CBSS); 2) Promoting citizen rights on independent living in community.

Total value of the project is 166.589 euros, out of which European Union provides 141.601 euros, and the rest is secured through local financing.

Donor: European Union